Gold Gemz @ Red Side — Match Day 11

0 - 4
Full Time


Date Time League Season
April 25, 2024 8:00 pm Champions League 2024 Spring


Club1st Half2nd HalfGoalsOutcome
Gold Gemz0Loss
Red Side134Win

Gold Gemz

Amani Midfielder
Andre Defender
Mahad Defender
Steve Forward
Wheelaz Defender, Forward
Jeremy Defender
Jogo Midfielder
Mark Defender
Garfield Forward
MoneyWave Forward
Richy Goalkeeper
Moses Goalkeeper, Midfielder
Lando Defender
Troy Defender

Red Side

Chad Defender
Orlando / Rambo Midfielder
Warner Defender
Faz Midfielder
Joel Midfielder
Burgher Midfielder
Bruce Forward
Jahe Forward
Neil Midfielder
Stew Pz Defender


It was a thrashing. No more said. It did not look good. Another day at the office and we have disgruntled employees. This match was reminiscent of the Arsenal Chelsea thrashing earlier this week, only the Gold team was worst than Chelsea. We did not think that could be possible, but it happen. The Red team once they scored the first goal felt the fever and the Gold team could not stop them no more to be said. The highlight of the match was multiple piles mash ups and salads. Bruce was the man of the match. He felt the power and exalted it, scoring two of the four goals. According to team manager Mahad, “our team does not have any discipline and cannot concentrate.. some of our players seem to have lost their pride along the train line or left it at home, without fight you cannot win.. it does not look good right now, we will see what the next few weeks bring…”


Wade Walker Front Field
Rockbridge Road, Stone Mountain, DeKalb County, Georgia, 30058, United States