Red Side @ Gold Gemz — Match Day 6

5 - 1
Full Time


Date Time League Season Match Day
April 2, 2024 7:30 pm Champions League 2024 Spring 6


Club1st Half2nd HalfGoalsOutcome
Red Side235Win
Gold Gemz11Loss

Red Side

Roy Defender
Chad Defender
Warner Defender
Emilio Midfielder
Macky Midfielder, Forward
Joel Defender
Uncle G Forward
Stew Pz Defender
DeLibé Forward
Bruce Defender
Jahe Forward

Gold Gemz

Amani Midfielder
Mahad Defender
Steve Defender
Jogo Forward
MoneyWave Defender
Richy Defender
Jeremy Defender
Big Shaun Forward


It seems like this is a recurring theme. The Gold Squad did not show up and they were punished for it. The match started with them having 7, then 8, and then 7 again, against 11. By the end of the match, it was 6 against 11, and it did not look good. Despite a barrage of attacks from the Red Side, I don’t know how they only got 5 scored on them. This reporter heard G-man say that Jeremy saved 9 shots from him, and in turn, Richie saved just as much if not more. However, G-man got 2 in, and likewise Delibe and the man of the match Mackie with another two to pour salt in the wound. At the end of the match, it was a pum-sist from Amani to Steve who saved some face for the Gold Gemz. The match looked horrible but inspirational; I saw Jogo work until he was exhausted, playing forward, midfield, and defense. At times, it felt like it was 4 against 11. This was an onslaught from the Red Side, who, after last week’s somewhat of an embarrassment, decided that they were going to score and try new tactics. They were more reserved and patient, slowly picking the Gold side apart due to fatigue and injured players. With some key players missing from the Gold Team, the team could not stop the inevitable. Rest assured, Matchday 7 will bring some sort of a redemption arc to the scene. We can only wait and see. The highlight of the match was the one-man army Adhjogo, taking on the entire Red Side while, unfortunately, in the end, getting a pile from G-man.


Wade Walker Front Field
Rockbridge Road, Stone Mountain, DeKalb County, Georgia, 30058, United States